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Kafe, kampus, dan berbagai tempat publik kini sudah banyak yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas WiFi. Menyenangkan memang bisa berinternet di tempat umum, terlebih gratis. Namun di sisi lain ada sejumlah ancaman yang menaungi. Berikut 4 Dampak Buruk di Balik WiFi Gratisan di antaranya yang dikutip dari detikINET berdasarkan laporan perusahaan keamanan ESET: 1. Evil twin login interception Ini merupakan jaringan yang diset-up oleh hacker untuk menyamar sebagai WiFi hot spot yang resmi. 2. 0-day OS/app attack attempts Disebut juga sebagai serangan threat melalui exploit yang tidak dikenal. 3. Sniffing Upaya intercept untuk mencapai baik software maupun hardware komputer dan melakukan log terhadap lalu lintas dalam sebuah jaringan.


Mungkin diantara Kita pernah mengalami masalah saat membuka website, dan yang keluar bukan isi konten secara keseluruhan dari website tersebut, melainkan error (Page not Found), atau bahkan blank dan tidak muncul sama sekali. Dan jika mengalami masalah seperti ini, pasti Kita dibuat kesal dan bertanya-tanya, “Apakah Server sedang Down?” atau ada masalah apa? Apalagi website kita termasuk yang memiliki traffic tinggi dan kalau sampai tidak bisa dibuka, berapa kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh masalah tersebut. Dan hal yang paling sering di lakukan oleh kita sebagai user dari sebuah hosting shared adalah berbentuk protes dan beranggapan bahwa server sedang down atau sedang mengalami masalah uptime. Kadang di hosting Kami Dreamlandhost juga pernah mengalami masalah seperti itu, tapi setelah dilakukan pengecekan, hoster lain juga mengalami hal yang sama user marah2 karena websitenya tidak bisa di akses di komputernya sendiri, tetapi di komputer lain dengan koneksi internet lain, halaman


Pernah terpikir tentang komputer hantu? bunyi-bunyi sendiri, keluar layar berwarna hitam, keluar pesan aneh, disk drive terbuka sendiri, dan lain-lain. Bagaimana jika yang jadi korban adalah teman anda, dan yang menyababkanya adalah anda. Tentu sangat menarik bukan? Pada artikel sebelumnya telah saya singgung tentang The Ultimate Virus yang bisa membuat teman anda cemas setengah mati. Sedangkan Program prank kali ini bernama Ghost Virus yang bisa membuat teman anda takut setengah mati. Berikut akibat yang akan ditimbulkan saat program dijalankan:


In this chance, i would explain about how to maximaze the speed of our internet connection. Check to see if faster internet connections are in your area . Fiber optic and cable internet tend to be faster than DSL and Dial-Up. Do some basic maintenance on your PC . Run Disk Defrag, a scan disk, a virus scan, a malware scan, and clear your recycle bin. An unusually slow Internet connection experience is often the only sign that your computer is infected with viruses or other malware. Delete old files and temporary files. Never allow the free space on your C: drive to be less than 10% of the total size or twice the installed RAM (which ever is larger). A well maintained PC will operate much better than a PC that has never had any maintenance. Reset Your Home Network . Sometimes restarting (or unplugging and replugging the electric power on) your home network or your router -- if you have one -- will drastically increase the speed of your connection. Check your home network equipment in


Way back in 2009, the Mozilla Phone concept began taking shape. The project — kickstarted by developer Billy May — eventually matured  into Seabird, a community-driven initiative to create an open web phone. A handful of Linux distributions like Webconverger and xPud have offered quick-boot Firefox access for years — and more recently, Sebastian wondered why we hadn’t yet seen an official Firefox OS to counter Google’s Chrome OS. Now, however, with the announcement of Boot to Gecko (B2G), Mozilla seems to be ready to get the ball rolling, with the noble aim of providing a truly open mobile operating system built upon standard web technologies. The hardware target will be handheld devices like tablets and smartphones, making Boot to Gecko more of a challenge to Android than Chrome OS (at least in their current incarnations). With internet use on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones exploding right now , the world will soon be ready for a full-on alternative OS for its future h


Over the last couple of weeks, Mozilla has finally stepped up its 64-bit testing process. There are now five slaves dedicated to building Firefox for Windows x64, which means that from Firefox 8 and onwards, you’ll be able to pick up 64-bit builds that are functionally identical to its 32-bit cousins but operating in native 64-bit CPU and memory space. When I first took 64-bit Firefox for a workout last year, it wasn’t the best of experiences: it crashed, JavaScript performance was abysmal, and it was generally sub-par compared to the stable, 32-bit branch. Today, however, Firefox 8 64-bit is stable and it’s fast; it’s really, really fast. Even more importantly, though, there are now stable 64-bit browser plug-ins for Flash and Java. In other words, there’s very little reason to not use Firefox 8 x64; you can download a copy from the Nightly site (it won’t interfere with your stable install), grab Flash 11 beta for Windows x64 and Java 6 for Windows x64, and start surfing. It’s that